Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Monday, November 23, 2020

Love in the Jungle by May Freud Dickerson


Love in the Jungle by May Freud Dickerson

Thrilling tale of a young lady trapped alone in the jungles in India, where she is chased by a mad man, and finally is saved by her father, only to find that she can not stay with the man most dear to her.  Then she is dragged many miles away from him to lead a new life, leaving behind a man she met and whom she truly loved.  Set in India at the turn of the last century, this is a thrilling novel of love, adventure, and hope.

Friday, November 20, 2020

A Young Hero Fighting to Win by Edward S. Ellis


A Young Hero Fighting to Win by Edward S. Ellis

A tale in the vein of Horatio Alger's stories of young men facing challenges.  Great reading for young men who crave adventure and suspense. Three short stories by other authors as an added bonus:

Saturday, November 14, 2020

A Year in a Yawl by Russell Doubleday


A Year in a Yawl by Russell Doubleday.

A thrilling true adventure of young men who built a yawl and went for a long voyage in it.  Outstanding tale, hard to put down!

This EPUB is readable on all devices and on every web browser on every computer and cell phone. Kindle, Nook, Ipod, Ipad, Android, Windows, and Mac all support this format. This EPUB has no encryption, so one can safely and easily move it from one device to another, or share it with others.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

A Yankee Girl at Antietam by Alice Turner Curtis


A Yankee Girl at Antietam by Alice Turner Curtis

A tale of the Civil War battle at Antietam, as seen through the eyes of a young Yankee woman.  Great reading for young ladies and young men as well.  Adults will find it enthralling as well.

Friday, November 6, 2020

A Yankee Flier in the Far East by Al Avery


A Yankee Flier in the Far East by Al Avery

A thrilling tale of flying and adventure, written for younger men, but thoroughly enjoyable by all.

This EPUB is readable on all devices and on every web browser on every computer and cell phone. Kindle, Nook, Ipod, Ipad, Android, Windows, and Mac all support this format. This EPUB has no encryption, so one can safely and easily move it from one device to another, or share it with others.

Monday, November 2, 2020

A Woman of the Ice Age by L. P. Gratacap


A Woman of the Ice Age by L. P. Gratacap 

Aa novel of romance and adventure, taking place 50,000 years ago, as early man struggled to understand themselves and the world around them.

This EPUB is readable on all devices and on every web browser on every computer and cell phone. Kindle, Nook, Ipod, Ipad, Android, Windows, and Mac all support this format. This EPUB has no encryption, so one can safely and easily move it from one device to another, or share it with others.